Monday, September 8, 2014

Communication resposibilities

What are our responsibilities to each other when we blog?
I think the number one responsibility that we have to each other when blogging is complete honesty. If you are going to blog than you may as well put it all out there because that is kind of the point, is it not? If I was going to start a blog about my life, for example, I wouldn't go on about how much fun I have bowing my copious amounts of money because that just isn't true. I would talk about my family and my dog and my school and the myriad of emotions I go through every single day. The only other responsibility I can honestly think of when blogging would be to take it seriously. I have never started blogging because I have always found other ways to vent or communicate my feelings, and in all reality I just never saw the purpose of it. This class has already started to put in perspective for me how truly amazing blogging can be so I am excited to see how this goes. And, above all I will keep my personal responsibilities in mind: to be honest and to take it seriously.
Do we have responsibilities to others when we communicate? 
This question was on the trickier side for me to answer. I do think we have responsibilities to each other when we communicate but I cannot quite put my finger on what exactly they are. I think the first ones that come to mind are the two I said for the previous question, to take it seriously and be honest. If you aren't taking the communication seriously than either party is bound to walk away with nothing, and if you aren't honest you aren't putting your true self out there for people to get to know. I guess to answer this question as in depth as possible I would have to imagine a specific communication situation. So, for example, I will say that the situation is a lecture hall full of students listening to one very boring teacher. In this instance I would think that I would want to focus on the responsibilities of the student: they would need to listen, be attentive and focused, participate when necessary, and take notes. Now other than the note taking I think that listening, being attentive, and participating are all responsibilities we have to others when we communicate. See, all I needed to do was put it in perspective for myself and I was able to come up with a clear cut answer.

(You would think that after typing it all those times I would have spelled responsibility right at least once, but every time I had to use the auto-correct function, who knew that word was so tricky to get right on a keyboard?)

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