Thursday, September 18, 2014

Design Plan for photo essay

 The Beauty of Earth
Strategies: My strategy should come from where I started with the statement of purpose, in which I decided that I want my photo essay to be about the beauty of nature that a lot of us forget about sometimes and how even the little things are worth preserving. Also in my statement of purpose I decided that the group of people that I am targeting is young adults in my age group and even high school aged teenagers. So I would need make sure that I strategize to meet their interests. If I know anything about young adults, which I think I do, it’s that we grew up with distractions (TV, video games, the internet, etc.) and it is really hard to keep our attention. So, the main part of my strategy will be to format my photo essay in a way that captivates the readers eye and makes them want to read through the whole thing without moving on to the next new and exciting thing.                                                              
Ethos: I will play to reader’s ethos by using a language that is familiar to them, without dumbing anything down. I will also need to be explicit with my stance and how much this really does mean to me, if people don’t think I care about the subject than I am giving them absolutely no reason to care themselves.
Pathos: I will appeal to readers’ emotions by putting as much of my own into it. The environment is something that is vitally important and I think that people should have a myriad of emotions concerning it. The emotion that I want to appeal to the most would be empathy.
Logos: I will appeal to logos by being as logical as possible. Basically “We live on the earth. We need the earth. Help maintain the earth for the sake of our lives.”

Medium: As far as mediums for our photo essay go I could either use Word or PowerPoint only because I’m not skilled in any other medium that is comparable to those two. Just from experience I can imagine that using word would make it hard to format the photos and text the way I would want to so I’m automatically leaning towards using PP. I think that PowerPoint would be the best use of my time and energy and I would be able to format everything the way I would want. I would still have to include my narrative so there might be a part that I would type in Word, but I think for the actual photographic part of the photo essay I will use PowerPoint because I will be able to manipulate photos and texts much easier and with more purpose than I would be able to in Word.

Arrangement: Well I know that I will have multiple pictures and a narrative. I definitely want the narrative to be spread out with the pictures if possible to do that in PowerPoint, just because I would prefer for the two to coexist rather than be two separate entities. As far as the arrangement of the pictures I am not so sure. I could either do a season kind of arrangement where I bring the reader through the different seasons and showcase all the different types of beauty in the different seasons or I could do close up and landscape pictures, growing bigger and bigger as the essay goes on. So as far as arrangement there’s a lot that still needs to be determined. It ultimately depends on what pictures I decide to do, which I should do post-haste.

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